BRCCH Seminar 6 July: Refining Paediatric Treatments for All

BRCCH Seminar 6 July: Refining Paediatric Treatments for All

**Update July 19th, 2022** Thank you to everyone that attended our hybrid seminar! We had a great turnout-- in case you missed the presentations or you would like to watch them again, you can now stream them below or on our YouTube channel.

Visual: Kiran Kuruvithadam


Description:  The BRCCH cordially invites you to join our seminar looking at Refining Paediatric Treatments for All. This event will highlight the research progress of Prof Thomas Erb (UKBB) on how to reduce the risk associated with the use of mechanical ventilation in children, and the efforts to improve competence in paediatric anaesthesia in Switzerland. Then, Dr Marianne Schmid Daners (ETH Zurich) will provide an overview of the challenges of paediatric hydrocephalus treatment. Finally, Prof Kokila Lakhoo (University of Oxford) will present her work in low- and middle-income countries on providing surgical treatments to children in need.

When: Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 from 16:00-17:30 CET

Where: Hybrid Zoom / UKBB seminar room, Spitalstrasse 33, 4056 Basel

Zoom Registration: HERE

In-person Registration (encouraged but not mandatory): HERE


      • Welcome by BRCCH Director Prof Georg Holländer
      • Prof Thomas Erb & his team (UKBB): "Safety first in children undergoing anaesthesia and sedation!" (25 min)
      • Dr Marianne Schmid Daners (ETH Zurich): "Challenges of paediatric hydrocephalus" (20 min)
      • Prof Kokila Lakhoo (University of Oxford): "Addressing the global health challenges for children with surgical needs in low- and middle-income countries" (40min, online)
      • Closing

Seminar Archive

Prof Thomas Erb (UKBB) presents "Safety first in children undergoing anaesthesia and sedation!" originally given on July 6th, 2022.

Dr Marianne Schmid Daners (ETH Zurich) presents"Challenges of Paediatric Hydrocephalus"originally given on July 6th, 2022.

Prof Kokila Lakhoo (University of Oxford) presents "Addressing the Global Health Challenges for Children with Surgical Needs in Low- and Middle-income Countries" originally given on July 6th, 2022.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof Kokila Lakhoo

Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford

Prof Kokila Lakhoo is a consultant paediatric surgeon at the Children’s Hospital in Oxford and the University of Oxford. She is also Chair of the International Forum for the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons and the President of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS). She is developing paediatric surgery through a link in Tanzania and has collaborative research projects in Malawi and South Africa. Besides general paediatric surgery and ambulatory surgery, her special interests are global health, fetal counselling, neonatal surgery, paediatric tumour surgery, paediatric thoracic surgery and specialist gastrointestinal surgery.


Prof Thomas Erb

University Children's Hospital Basel

Prof Thomas Erb completed his medical training with board examinations in anaesthesiology and critical care. Subsequently, he moved to Durham, North Carolina, USA, where he worked in the Pediatric Cardiology Program at Duke University. There, he also obtained a master of health sciences in clinical research. Returning to Switzerland in 2000, Prof Erb started his clinical research programme in the Department of Anaesthesiology at the University of Basel and University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB). In 2010, he became Titular Professor of Anaesthesiology, and in 2011 he was made Head of the Division of Paediatric Anaesthesia at UKBB. His clinical interests and research are focused on the effects of anaesthetic conditions on airway and lung mechanics in children. He is currently leading the BRCCH-funded COVent project aiming to develop practical solutions that reduce the risks associated with the use of mechanical ventilation, especially those associated with low-cost/do-it-yourself ventilators and off-label use that are now available in many resource-limited settings.



Dr Marianne Schmid Daners

Institute of Design, Materials and Fabrication, ETH Zurich

Dr Marianne Schmid Daners graduated from ETH Zurich as a mechanical engineer. She then completed her doctorate on the topic of “Adaptive Shunts for Cerebrospinal Fluid Control” at ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control. Dr Schmid Daners heads the institute’s Biomedical Systems Group as a senior scientist. At the interdisciplinary interface of clinical research and engineering, her passion is the pathophysiological understanding of the dynamics of the intracranial and cardiovascular systems. Her research focuses on the modelling, control and testing of biological systems, as well as on the development and control of biomedical devices for the treatment of heart failure and hydrocephalus.

Webinar: Future of COVID-19 Research

Webinar: Future of COVID-19 Research

**Update October 28th, 2021 ** Thank you to everyone that attended our webinar! We had a great turnout-- in case you missed the presentations or you would like to watch them again, you can now stream them below or on our YouTube channel.

visual: background image courtesy of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Description: The BRCCH cordially invites you to join us online for a webinar looking at The Future of COVID-19 Research. This event will highlight significant research progress and the roadmap ahead related to immunology, epidemiology and bioengineering. Gain insights from our keynote speakers and engage with them during the Q&A panel discussion.

When: Thursday, October 21st, 2021 from 15:00-17:00 CET

Where: online, livestream Zoom seminar

Welcome by BRCCH Vice Director Prof Sai Reddy
Keynote lecture by Prof Teresa Lambe OBE (University of Oxford)
     "Development and testing of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine"
Keynote lecture by Prof Benjamin Murrell (Karolinska Institutet)
     "Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 variants"
Keynote lecture by Prof Sai Reddy (ETH Zurich and BRCCH)
     "Identifying prospective variants of SARS-CoV-2 by deep mutational learning"
Q&A Panel Discussion

Webinar Archive

Prof Teresa Lambe OBE (University of Oxford) presents "Development and Testing of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/AZD1222 Vaccine" originally webcast on October 21st, 2021.


Prof Benjamin Murrell (Karolinska Institutet) presents "Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 Variants" originally webcast on October 21st, 2021.


Prof Sai Reddy (ETH Zurich and BRCCH) presents "Identifying Prospective Variants of SARS-CoV-2 by Deep Mutational Learning" originally webcast on October 21st, 2021.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof Teresa Lambe OBE
The Lambe Group for Emerging Pathogens
The Oxford Vaccine Group and the Jenner Institute Laboratories
Dept of Paediatrics, University of Oxford

Assoc Prof Lambe will share her research insights into the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and its vaccine. Her research group is part of the Covid-19 vaccine trial in the UK and has co-designed the vaccine and led the development and testing of the immune response after vaccination.

Prof Lambe’s research investigates the establishment of protective immune responses following vaccination and the formation of adaptive immune memory. She is particularly interested in delineating the immune response post vaccination and also post natural infection to help develop vaccines and define correlates of protection. At the University of Oxford, her group uses platform technologies to develop vaccines against emerging and re-emerging pathogens. The group is currently developing vaccines against a number of outbreak pathogens including Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, Lassa virus, Nipah virus, Influenza, Ebolavirus and coronaviruses.

Visual: John Cairns/University of Oxford

Prof Benjamin Murrell
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Karolinska Institutet

Prof Murrell will speak about his work on the H2020 CoroNAb project, studying antibodies and isolating nanobodies against SARS-CoV-2.

Prof Murrell's previous research interests surrounded the evolution of the HIV envelope protein, and antibodies against it. Recently, he has applied this expertise to SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Together with colleagues, he has identified nanobodies from immunized alpacas that may be potential SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics, and has conducted preclinical immunization studies attempting to boost responses to SARS-CoV-2 variants. This work is part of the CoroNAb consortium research project, funded under Horizon2020 as part of the EU’s emergency funding call for COVID-19.

Visual: Karolinska Institutet

Prof Sai Reddy
Laboratory for Systems and Synthetic Immunology
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich
And Vice Director BRCCH

Prof Reddy shares his recent work on developing a simultaneous diagnostic and genomic surveillance method for SARS-CoV-2 based on targeted deep sequencing. He will also present new data from his group related to identifying variants of SARS-CoV-2 using a novel method called deep mutational learning. 

Prof Reddy’s research is focused on the emerging field of systems and synthetic immunology, with an aim towards developing technologies relevant to immunotherapy and biotechnology. He has developed a number of methods in systems immunology to improve our understanding of adaptive immunity, with a particular focus on immune repertoire sequencing. Recently, he founded two spin-off companies, deepCDR Biologics and Engimmune Therapeutics, which are both based on technologies developed in his research group on engineering antibodies or T cells.

Webinar: Insights Into COVID-19 Research

Webinar: Insights Into
COVID-19 Research

The BRCCH invites you to join us online for free webinars on COVID-19.

**Update September 17th, 2020 ** Thank you to everyone that attended our webinars in September! We had a great turnout-- in case you missed the presentations or you would like to watch them again, you can now stream them below or on our YouTube channel

    Description: The pandemic is placing the world in a stress test that is unprecedented. In response, organizations across sectors from research to nonprofit are mobilizing resources and taking action. This 3-part webinar series will highlight the BRCCH's ongoing collaborative research efforts in Switzerland, as well as dip into the global conversation about the current challenges and latest developments in the race to respond to the pandemic, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.

    Sept 2nd & 9th: We will take an in-depth look into recently launched research projects focused on diagnostics and the immunology of COVID-19, as well as others focused on novel medical interventions for COVID-19. The projects are part of our recent Fast Track Initiative for COVID-19.

    Sept 16th: During the panel discussion, we will hear first hand from international experts about the current landscape of public health and how technology and partnerships spanning borders could meet current challenges in the pandemic.

    Register: closed. In case you missed the webinars, you can now watch them here (scroll down) or on our Youtube channel
    More: Download our programme below for info on the talks and speakers

    Banner image: Produced by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), this highly magnified, digitally colorized transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image reveals ultrastructural details exhibited by three, spherical shaped, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) virions.

    Webinar Archive

    Prof Janos Vörös (ETH Zurich) & PD Dr Michael Osthoff (University Hospital Basel) present "A mobile, rapid diagnostic test system for COVID-19 based on lateral flow assays diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections at point-of-need," originally webcast on Sep 2nd, 2020.


    Prof Andreas Moor (ETH Zurich) presents "B cell immunity in convalescent COVID-19 patients with the aim of identifying high-affinity antibodies against SARS-CoV-2" originally webcast on Sep 2nd, 2020.


    Prof Melissa Penny (Swiss TPH) & Prof Roland Regoes (ETH Zurich) present "Modelling and machine learning to optimise medical interventions and health strategies for emergency response to the pandemic" originally webcast on Sep 9th, 2020.


    Prof Thomas Erb (University Children's Hospital Basel) & Prof Mirko Meboldt (ETH Zurich) present "The challenge of ventilation in the COVID-19 pandemic - improved patient care with low-cost ventilators based on novel integrated pressure sensors" originally webcast on Sep 9th, 2020.


    International Panel Discussion
    Prof Alain Labrique (Global mHealth Initiative, Johns Hopkins University) &
    Dr Solomzi Makohliso (EssentialTech, EPFL) &
    Prof Marcel Tanner (Swiss Academy of Sciences | Fondation Botnar)  &
    Akhona Tshangela (Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) &
    Moderated by Dr Maxine Mackintosh (One HealthTech | The Alan Turing Institute)

    Inaugural BRCCH Spotlight Day

    The inaugural Spotlight Day of the BRCCH marked the start of our initiative to build a community, both locally and globally, around the central mission of improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents worldwide. This event was an opportunity for local and international community to meet, start new dialogues and enable fruitful collaborations.

    More than 200 visitors joined the BRCCH at the inaugural Spotlight Day on January 30, 2020 – a great turnout to the Centre's first public event. After inspiring welcome addresses by Andrea Schenker-Wicki and Detlef Günther, four new BRCCH Multi-Investigator Projects showcased their vision for the next 5 years. Three international keynote speakers gave new perspectives on how research can be applied and translated. With this event, the BRCCH welcomed our new research projects at the Centre and the start of their research activities at the BRCCH.

    Watch a summary of the event:


    Artist Alex Hughes (Drawnalism) illustrated the event:


      The event programme: