Dr Eveline Klinkenberg
BRCCH Collaborator
Dr Eveline Klinkenberg, MD, PhD, is an epidemiologist with more than 20 years of experience in public health research. She started her career working for the International Water Management Institute in Asia and Africa, looking at the impact of irrigation development on health, especially malaria, but also the effects of waste water irrigation. Subsequently, she worked as a public health researcher for HealthNet TPO, a Dutch NGO working in post-conflict settings, where she built local operational research capacity in order to reconstruct health systems in Afghanistan and Sudan. From 2007 to 2019, she worked as a senior epidemiologist for the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, and for seven years she was based in the country office in Ethiopia, providing technical assistance to national tuberculosis control programmes, especially in African countries. She is an active member of the WHO-hosted Global Task Force for Impact Measurement and has supported several countries in conducting their national TB prevalence surveys. Her focus has been on research to provide key evidence in order to enhance TB control and has included, amongst other things, a study to evaluate the integration of TB screening into clinics for children under five years old in Ethiopia and the introduction of stool testing to diagnose childhood TB. Since September 2020, she has been working as an independent consultant focused on generating and providing technical assistance for TB implementation studies, TB M&E and wide-scale TB programmatic support in order to gain evidence for TB control.