Dr Kirstin Goth

BRCCH Researcher
University of Basel

Dr phil nat Dipl Psych Kirstin Goth is a senior researcher at University Psychiatric Clinics Basel (UPK), part of the University of Basel. She specializes in test construction with a focus on age- and culture-adaption and led the international project on “Phenotyping Healthy and Impaired Personality Development in Children and Adolescents – Early Assessment of PD” initiated by Prof Klaus Schmeck from its launch in 2011 until its end in 2022.

In addition, Dr Goth leads the universitarian self-publishing project academic-tests (https://academic-tests.com), which offers its developed instruments (AIDA, LoPF-Q, OPD-CA2-SQ: instruments for assessing emerging personality disorders each with a different clinical focus, applicable for adolescent self-report from 12 years on) in different languages whose scientific results are made available quickly and straightforwardly in order to promote the early detection and treatment of personality disorders as well as international research and networking. The newly developed parent versions of LoPF-Q, OPD-CA2-SQ and PID5BF+CA for assessing emerging personality difficulties in parent report for children aged between six and 18 are the starting point for an international longitudinal investigation of the development of personality disorders.

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