Dr Lena Jäggi

BRCCH Researcher
Swiss TPH

Lena Jäggi, PhD et MLaw, is a senior scientific collaborator at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Her research interest is located at the intersection of law and psychology and concentrates on intergenerational violence prevention and healthy child development in different cultural settings. Namely, she investigates the public health effects of interventions ranging from general prevention, such as parenting education for young families, to juvenile justice involvement and child protection measures. She also has a strong interest in program evaluation in the context of trauma and mental health for parents and children and has research and evaluation experience working with at-risk youth, juvenile offenders and parents with a history of trauma or out-of-home placement in the USA, southern Africa and Switzerland.

Dr Jäggi received her doctorate in Applied Developmental Psychology, at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, in 2016 and holds a Master of Law in Criminology and Criminal Law from the University of Berne, Switzerland.

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